How microplastics end up in the marine atmosphere

Microplastic particles are present in the marine atmosphere even in remote parts of the world. These tiny particles come from land sources but are also re-emitted into the atmosphere from the sea, a study by a team of German ...

Geomagnetic field protects Earth from electron showers

Understanding the ionosphere high in the Earth's atmosphere is important due to its effects on communications systems, satellites and crucial chemical features including the ozone layer. New insights into the activity of ...

Dust in the wind: Forecasting storms with AI

Dust storms are not only a nuisance for anyone trying to keep their house spick and span, they also pose a very real health hazard and are a major ecological concern. Respiratory problems caused by breathing in dust and other ...

Scientists map changes in soot particles emitted from wildfires

Not many people would voluntarily fly through plumes of smoke emitted from wildfires. But atmospheric scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory do, over and over, tracing flight paths ...

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