Employment realities don't match people's dreams

When it comes to career aspirations for teenagers, a University of Houston psychology researcher believes it's best to shoot for the moon, so you can at least land in the stars. The truth is the moon may sometimes be unreachable.

'Poverty of aspiration' largely a myth

Most poor children in England do not suffer from a 'poverty of aspiration' which limits their ambitions, according to research at King's College London, which analysed the views of thousands of young people.

How do consumers revise their unreachable goals?

Most consumers spend their lives setting -- and revising -- goals. Authors of a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research have unveiled a new model that captures the dynamics of goal revision.

Bridging the gender-gap in maths

(Phys.org) -- A concerning gender-gap exists in career aspirations among Australian youth across science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, a new study has found.

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