Uganda seizes 750 pieces of ivory, arrests two Vietnamese

Ugandan authorities have seized 750 pieces of ivory and thousands of pangolin scales being smuggled from neighboring South Sudan, the revenue agency said Thursday, in one of the largest seizures of wildlife contraband in ...

Image: Borneo on fire

Asian countries near the equator are in an extreme drought, one of the more predictable impacts of an El Niño event like the one underway this year. The worst forest fires in nearly two decades are burning out of control ...

'Bad neighbourhoods' on the internet are a real nuisance

Of the 42,000 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) surveyed, just 20 were found to be responsible for nearly half of all the internet addresses that send spam. That just is one of the striking results of an extensive study by ...

Australian R&D doesn't punch above its weight

Australia punches above its weight in terms of global research, producing more than we might expect given our small population. At least … that's the line we've been fed for years – but is it true?

Heat on Thailand as wildlife conference starts

Global conservationists will converge in Bangkok for the start of key endangered species talks on Sunday, as host Thailand faces pressure to curb rampant ivory smuggling through its territory.

Poachers kill 32 S. African rhinos this year

Poachers have slaughtered 32 South African rhinos in the first three weeks of 2013, marking a disturbing start to the year for a country battling crisis level killings of the beast, government said Wednesday.

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