Video: The unexpected intersection between art and science

It's a common misconception that art and science are vastly different; that they never overlap. But creativity is as essential to the scientific process as it is to the artistic method. Artists and scientists share a curiosity ...

3D animation with the stroke of a pen

Mosketch, a software developed by Moka Studio and EPFL, lets you generate 3D animation without sophisticated training. It's professional-grade software that can be used by anyone, from independent artists to animation studios.

SoundCloud signs with Universal ahead of subscription launch

SoundCloud, a streaming music platform that has become home to garage bands and other artists who don't mind releasing tracks online for free, said Wednesday that it had reached a licensing deal with Universal Music Group.

Big Data reveals classical music creation secrets

A team of scientists has shed light on the dynamics of the creation, collaboration and dissemination processes involved in classical music works and styles. Their study focuses on analysing networks of composers contemporary ...

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