Quantum cocktail provides insights on memory control

Experiments based on atoms in a shaken artificial crystal made of light offer novel insight into the physics of quantum many-body systems, which might help in the development of future data-storage technologies.

Tough new hydrogel hybrid doesn't dry out

If you leave a cube of Jell-O on the kitchen counter, eventually its water will evaporate, leaving behind a shrunken, hardened mass—hardly an appetizing confection. The same is true for hydrogels. Made mostly of water, ...

Would you live in a city made of synthetic bone?

The cities of today are built with concrete and steel – but some Cambridge researchers think that the cities of the future need to go back to nature if they are to support an ever-expanding population, while keeping carbon ...

Generation of tailored magnetic materials

New technologies require growing precision in the intrinsic properties of the materials used. To meet increasingly specific requirements, physicists are interested in a generation of artificial materials, the properties of ...

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