Artificial muscle contracts and expands with changes in humidity

( —A small plastic strip can do "weight training" to effortlessly lifts many times its own weight, driven by cyclic changes in the humidity of the surrounding air. This strong "artificial arm" is based on the interaction ...

Air bubbles could be the secret to artificial skin

( —Using foam substrates, EPFL scientists were able to make a flexible electronic circuit board. This discovery could lead to the creation of deformable and stretchable circuits.

Engineers monitor heart with paper-thin flexible 'skin'

( —Engineers combine layers of flexible materials into pressure sensors to create a wearable heart monitor thinner than a dollar bill. The skin-like device could one day provide doctors with a safer way to check ...

A folding ceramic

( —A sophisticated nanostructure renders a wafer-thin paper made of electrically conductive vanadium pentoxide fibres both tough and pliable.

Invisibility cloak research moves forward at MTU

( —Michigan Technological University's invisibility cloak researchers have done it again. They've moved the bar on one of the holy grails of physics: making objects invisible. Just last month, Elena Semouchkina, ...

Electrical signals dictate optical properties

Researchers at the University of Southampton's Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) have created an artificial material, a metamaterial, with optical properties that can be controlled by electric signals.

Metamaterials provide active control of 'slow light' devices

LANL researchers and collaborators have made the first demonstration of rapidly switching on and off "slow light" in specially designed metamate­rials at room temperature. Metamaterials are assemblies of multiple individual ...

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