A new generation of artificial retinas based on 2-D materials

Scientists report they have successfully developed and tested the world's first ultrathin artificial retina that could vastly improve on existing implantable visualization technology for the blind. The flexible device, based ...

'Artificial leaf' makes fuel from sunlight (w/ video)

Researchers led by MIT professor Daniel Nocera have produced something they’re calling an “artificial leaf”: Like living leaves, the device can turn the energy of sunlight directly into a chemical fuel that ...

Algorithm predicts the compositions of new materials

A machine-learning algorithm that can predict the compositions of trend-defying new materials has been developed by RIKEN chemists1. It will be useful for finding materials for applications where there is a trade-off between ...

Artificially produced cells communicate with each other

Friedrich Simmel and Aurore Dupin, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), have for the first time created artificial cell assemblies that can communicate with each other. The cells, separated by fatty membranes, ...

Plasmonic metamaterials: From microscopes to invisibility cloaks

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new class of artificial materials called metamaterials -- which derive their properties from carefully engineered, nanostructured building blocks rather than from their chemical composition -- may one day ...

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