Underwater jars reveal Roman period winemaking practices

Winemaking practices in coastal Italy during the Roman period involved using native grapes for making wine in jars waterproofed with imported tar pitch, according to a study published June 29, 2022 in PLOS ONE by Louise Chassouant ...

History in 3D

(PhysOrg.com) -- Three-dimensional computer graphics is moving into museums. Works of art are being digitally archived in 3D, simplifying research into related artifacts and providing the public with fascinating three-dimensional ...

Intact ancient tomb uncovered in Bethlehem

(AP) -- Workers renovating a house in the traditional town of Jesus' birth accidentally discovered an untouched ancient tomb containing clay pots, plates, beads and the bones of two humans, a Palestinian antiquities official ...

Decoding the Black Death

Each time Sharon DeWitte takes a 3-foot by 1-foot archival box off the shelf at the Museum of London she hopes it will be heavy.

Another Titanic expedition possible in 2010

(AP) -- The company that has exclusive rights to salvage the Titanic is planning a possible expedition to the world's most famous shipwreck in 2010.

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