The 'face' of Jupiter

JunoCam images aren't just for art and science – sometimes they are processed to bring a chuckle.  This image, processed by citizen scientist Jason Major, is titled "Jovey McJupiterface." By rotating the image 180 degrees ...

New Google project digitizes world's top fashion archives

Anyone who has waited on a long, snaking line to get into a fashion exhibit at a top museum knows just how popular they've become - and more broadly, how fashion is increasingly seen as a form of artistic and cultural expression.

Egyptian ritual images from the Neolithic period

Egyptologists at the University of Bonn discovered rock art from the 4th millennium BC during an excavation at a necropolis near Aswan in Egypt. The paintings were engraved into the rock in the form of small dots and depict ...

Where were all the women in the Stone Age?

Were there any women around in the Palaeolithic Era? If popular culture is any guide you'd think not. And even archaeology itself has a long way to go to address a deeply ingrained bias towards men.

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