Burying beetle larvae know the best time to beg for food

It's easy to imagine an adult bird standing over youngsters whose mouths are open wide for a pre-mashed meal. It's more difficult to picture a beetle doing the same thing, but the burying beetle Nicrophorus quadripunctatus ...

Engineered microbe may be key to producing plastic from plants

With a few genetic tweaks, a type of soil bacteria with an appetite for hydrocarbons shows promise as a biological factory for converting a renewable—but frustratingly untapped—bounty into a replacement for ubiquitous ...

New synthesis method for producing fluorinated piperidines

Synthetic molecules are essential for many products, including medicines, crop protection agents and special materials such as Teflon. These molecules have several components, which can be combined in a variety of ways, resulting ...

Making the biofuels process safer for microbes

A team of investigators at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Michigan State University have created a process for making the work environment less toxic—literally—for the organisms that do the heavy lifting in the ...

Chemists find a way to escape from flatland

(Phys.org) —A new method for coupling together secondary and tertiary boronic esters to aromatic compounds which preserves the 3-D shape of the boronic ester is described by researchers from the University of Bristol in ...

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