Martian meteorites land at Army lab

NASA officials say that some rare and distinct meteorites found on Earth were actually blasted off Mars by a large impact event. One such rock from the red planet made its way to an Army laboratory recently for a special ...

The 'Chinese Pyramids' and the pole star

The funerary complex of the first Chinese emperor of the Qin dynasty (3 BC) is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. This is, of course, due to the discovery of the terracotta statue army, intended to ...

California wildfire victims say cleanup crews add to woes

One year after a devastating series of wildfires ripped through Northern California wine country, destroying thousands of homes, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' first experience cleaning up after a wildfire has turned into ...

Israeli army unveils new 'dual-use' tank

The Israeli army on Thursday revealed details of a new tank it was developing, designed more for use in guerrilla warfare conditions.

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