Gaia untangles the starry strings of the Milky Way

Rather than leaving home young, as expected, stellar 'siblings' prefer to stick together in long-lasting, string-like groups, finds a new study of data from ESA's Gaia spacecraft.

Robotic toolkit added to NASA's Mars 2020 rover

The bit carousel—a mechanism that will play a key role in the acquisition, containment and eventual return to Earth of humanity's first samples from another planet—has been incorporated into NASA's Mars 2020 rover.

Songbirds silenced as Colombia fights wildlife trafficking

The metal doors of a shoebox-sized cage open up and a bird tagged #811 launches into a giant aviary. The palm-sized finch performs a midair pirouette, lands on a willow branch and curiously twitches its saffron-colored head ...

Archaeologists exiled from Syria mourn the cost of war

I used to be a Near Eastern archaeologist working in Syria. Nowadays, I am stuck in academic purgatory, observing from a great distance as the country burns, unable to help protect its history or its present.

NASA 'optometrists' verify Mars 2020 rover's 20/20 vision

Equipped with visionary science instruments, the Mars 2020 rover underwent an "eye" exam after several cameras were installed on it. The rover contains an armada of imaging capabilities, from wide-angle landscape cameras ...

Image: Hubble traces a galaxy's outer reaches

Believe it or not, this long, luminous streak, speckled with bright blisters and pockets of material, is a spiral galaxy like our Milky Way. But how could that be? 

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