Can JWST see galaxies made of primordial stars?

All stars are composed of mostly hydrogen and helium, but most stars also have measurable amounts of heavier elements, which astronomers lump into the category of "metals." Our sun has more metals than most stars because ...

Examining why parties in conflict cease fighting

The path to peace usually leads through a ceasefire. In an international project, ETH Zurich researchers have shown the conditions under which parties to civil wars are willing to stop fighting—and why they decide to do ...

Efflux pump inhibitors: Bulking up to beat bacteria

The medical profession is in the midst of losing an arms race. Bacterial antibiotic resistance doesn't just threaten our ability to treat infection but our ability to carry out any treatment where infection is a risk. This ...

Hubble spies a lonely spiral

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 imaged this lonely spiral galaxy called UGC 9391.

Webb's icy instrument reveals complex structures

These spectacular images feature the spiral galaxy IC 5332, taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (above) and the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope (below). The images display the powerful capabilities that both ...

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