Can clouds of moon dust combat climate change?

A group of US scientists this week proposed an unorthodox scheme to combat global warming: creating large clouds of moon dust in space to reflect sunlight and cool the Earth.

Video: The Sample Transfer Arm: A helping hand for Mars

The mission to return Martian samples back to Earth will use a European 2.5 meter-long robotic arm to pick up tubes filled with precious soil from Mars and transfer them to a rocket for an historic interplanetary delivery.

Study: Modern arms technologies help autocratic rulers stay in power

Autocrats and dictators quickly acquire new arms technologies from abroad and often use them against their own citizens. Now a study of multiple nations during the period 1820–2010 shows that the spread of military technologies ...

Brazil begins first operations to protect Amazon

Brazil this week began the first operations against Amazon deforestation since veteran leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva took office, the Ibama environmental agency said Friday.

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