Sudden rise in the number of wars

The number of on-going wars exceeded ten during 2014, which is high compared to previous years since the new millennium. The increase from seven wars in 2013 is also the most significant increase in fifteen years, state researchers ...

How the war on terror criminalises ordinary people

It is now accepted that the war on terror has generated an extensive repertoire of its very own terror. Drone strikes resulting in extrajudicial killings, rendition and torture – zones of exception like Guantanamo Bay come ...

Study supports decline in global violence

A new study by the Simon Fraser University-based Human Security Report Project (HSRP), released today at United Nations headquarters in New York, offers compelling evidence that, post-World War II, there is a significant ...

UNESCO warns Syrian heritage sites endangered

UNESCO on Thursday added six ancient sites in Syria including a fortress of Saladin and a Crusader castle to the endangered World Heritage list, warning that more than two years of civil war had inflicted heavy damage.

Violence in Mali threatening survival of endangered elephants

University of British Columbia and Oxford University researchers have revealed the secrets of survival of an endangered population of African elephant in the unforgiving Sahara desert, and suggest that recent violence in ...

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