Landscape architecture survey: Is plant knowledge passe?

Authors of a recent study examined an ongoing debate in the discipline of landscape architecture: exactly how much plant knowledge is required for professionals in the field? Robert Brzuszek, Richard Harkess, and Eric Stortz ...

Book looks at how landscape design helps solve water issues

North America's inland watersheds hold and provide 95% of the continent's fresh water and 20% of the world's fresh water, but the infrastructure used to manage those water systems has led to problems that include soil and ...

Harnessing natural light, indoors

( -- Using the most recent generation windows, architects and lighting designers can to control daylight, directing it where they want within a room. An EPFL laboratory has developed a simulation tool to make access ...

Who influences purchases of native plants?

Native plants are a growing niche market in the southeastern United States. Researchers have documented recent trends toward increased interest in native plants by landscape architects, wholesale and retail nursery owners, ...

Want to build better computer games? Call an architect

If I said I was a licensed architect helping to fight dementia, you'd probably assume I was designing a care home or some similar building. Actually, I've been working alongside neuroscientists, psychologists, doctors and ...

A preliminary framework for better urban agroforestry

Today's cities don't have walls for protection like ancient ones, but they are separate from less urban and rural land. Most goods that city-dwellers purchase are brought in from rural farms and manufacturers. There is an ...

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