Key discovery made in war on sea lice infestations

University of Maine researchers have published a paper in which they demonstrate that the blue mussel can eat larvae of the sea louse, a parasitic pest that has recently made a comeback on fish farms, decimating populations ...

Fish farm waste can drift to distant shores

Concentrated waste plumes from fish farms could travel significant distances to reach coastlines, according to a study to be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Environmental Fluid Mechanics, available online now. ...

Large-scale fish farm production offsets environmental gains

Industrial-scale aquaculture production magnifies environmental degradation, according to the first global assessment of the effects of marine finfish aquaculture (e.g. salmon, cod, turbot and grouper) released today. This ...

Is this the perfect prawn?

( -- After 10 years of careful breeding and research, scientists have developed what could be the world's most perfect prawn.

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