Can farmed fish feed the world sustainably?

The world's population is expected to soar by 2.5 billion people by 2050, bringing a host of global challenges – including how to feed so many hungry mouths.

Making fish farming more sustainable

The American Heart Association recommends that we eat fish at least twice a week, since fish are high in protein, low in saturated fats and rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Global per capita fish consumption has almost doubled ...

Fulminating parasites that affect the production of tilapia

Veracruz is the main producing state of mojarra-tilapia in the country, activity performed around 639 fish farms in 120 municipalities. For internal consumption, the state demands 15 thousand tons per year. The supply is ...

Genetically tracking farmed fish escaping into the wild

European sea product consumption is on the rise. With overfishing being a threat to the natural balance of the ocean, the alternative is to turn to aquaculture, the industrial production of fish and seafood. But this raises ...

Closed fish-farming "bags" must withstand nature's forces

New kinds of aquaculture net cages that physically separate the farmed salmon from the open waters are already in the testing phase. The idea is to prevent the dreaded salmon louse from ever reaching its intended victim by ...

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