NASA tracks Tropical Storm Podul's landfall approach to Vietnam

NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the South China Sea and provided forecasters with a visible image of Tropical Storm Podul as it moved closer to the coast of north and central Vietnam where it is expected to make landfall ...

NASA sees Cyclone Chapala approaching landfall in Yemen

NASA's Aqua satellite and the GPM satellite passed over Cyclone Chapala as it was approaching landfall in central Yemen on November 2. The Global Precipitation Measurement Mission or GPM core satellite analyzed the heavy ...

NASA sees Sanvu strengthen into a Typhoon

Tropical Storm Sanvu continued to strengthen in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean and NASA's Aqua satellite viewed the storm after it became a typhoon.

NASA catches a weaker Edouard, headed toward Azores

NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the Atlantic Ocean and captured a picture of Tropical Storm Edouard as it continues to weaken. The National Hurricane Center expects Edouard to affect the western Azores over the next two ...

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