New Zealand's top court takes Kim Dotcom appeal

(AP)—New Zealand's highest court ruled Thursday that it will hear an appeal by Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom and three colleagues as they seek to avoid extradition to the United States.

Sport associations applaud federal Internet ruling

(AP) -- High school athletic associations nationwide say a federal appeals court ruling upholding Wisconsin's right to sell exclusive rights to live-stream games online preserves a lucrative new revenue stream, while newspaper ...

Supreme Court frets over erosion of privacy in digital age

Worried about the erosion of privacy amid technological advances, the Supreme Court signaled Wednesday it might restrain the government's ability to track Americans' movements through collection of their cellphone information.

US appeals court hears Apple e-books challenge

A US judge Monday expressed doubt towards the government's e-book antitrust case against Apple, saying the tech giant was challenging "predatory" pricing from rival Amazon.

Federal judge delays Google case pending appeal

(AP)—A federal appeals judge in New York has agreed to delay a court challenge to Google Inc.'s plans to create the world's largest digital library while the court considers whether authors should receive class status.

States argue in court for more say over endangered species

A battle over how to save endangered wolves in the Southwest moves to a federal appeals court Wednesday as judges hear arguments on whether states can block the federal government from reintroducing wildlife within their ...

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