Waymo suit against Uber on road to trial

Waymo's case against Uber over swiped self-driving car technology appeared headed for trial after an appeals court on Wednesday rejected a bid to steer it toward private arbitration.

New study shows federal proxy rule benefited shareholders

(Phys.org)—A federal regulation established in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis improved shareholder value before a federal appeals court struck it down, according to a study by Joanna T. Campbell, a management professor ...

NJ programmer freed as NY court orders acquittal

(AP) -- A smiling former Goldman Sachs computer programmer was freed from prison Friday after a surprise ruling from a federal appeals court reversed his conviction on charges he stole computer code.

Mixed decision in NY Dead Sea Scrolls case

(AP)—A New York appeals court has reached a mixed decision in the appeal of a man convicted of harassment in an academic debate about the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Fugitive Sea Shepherd founder hands over reins

The fugitive founder of Sea Shepherd has stepped down from key roles at the militant anti-whaling group, passing the Antarctic harpoon chase mantle to a former Australian politician.

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