Supreme Court takes a technological step forward

Surely but slowly, the Supreme Court is entering the 21st century. The court is making new legal filings available online starting Monday, years behind the rest of the federal court system.

Court asked to keep stem cell money flowing

(AP) -- The Obama administration is asking a federal appeals court to lift an order blocking federal funding for some stem cell research, a day after being turned down by the judge who issued the order.

EPA intends tougher downwind air-pollution rule in 23 states

The Environmental Protection Agency proposed tougher new limits on Tuesday on smokestack emissions from nearly two dozen states that burden downwind areas with air pollution from power plants they can't control.

Appeal court favors Kodak in Apple patent dispute

An appeals court on Monday sided with bankrupt photo pioneer Eastman Kodak by endorsing a US International Trade Commission (ITC) move rejecting claims it infringed on two Apple patents.

Wheeler says FCC won't allow Internet 'slow lane'

The nation's top telecommunications regulator defended his latest proposal to protect an open Internet, warning cable companies that manipulating data traffic on their networks for profit would not be tolerated.

FCC move to close program access loophole upheld

(AP) -- A federal court is upholding a recent decision by government regulators to close a loophole that had allowed cable TV operators to withhold sporting events and other popular programming from satellite TV providers ...

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