Head up, heart down—vertical placement matters

The metaphor is an old one in Western civilization—the head represents rationality and the heart represents emotion. The link is often made in speech and literature by pointing at one's head (thinking) or at one's chest ...

Microsoft, US clash in court on overseas email warrant

Microsoft and the US government clashed Wednesday in an appellate court hearing on law enforcement access to emails stored overseas, in a case with important implications for global data protection.

Millions at stake in dinosaur fight: Are fossils minerals?

The discovery of two fossilized dinosaur skeletons intertwined in what looks like a final death match could make a Montana ranching couple rich beyond their dreams. Or they may have to share the wealth.

Exec threatens to pull Fox signal if Aereo goes on

(AP)—A top executive with the owner of the Fox broadcast network is threatening to convert the network to a pay-TV channel if Internet startup Aereo continues to "steal" Fox's over-the-air signal and sell it to consumers ...

Court: Bloggers have First Amendment protections

A federal appeals court has ruled bloggers and the public have the same First Amendment protections as journalists when sued for defamation: If the issue is of public concern, plaintiffs have to prove negligence to win damages.

Emotionally appealing ads may not always help consumer memory

In almost all successful advertising campaigns, an appeal to emotion sparks a call-to-action that motivates viewers to become consumers. But according to research from a University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign expert who ...

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