GetJar out to make mobile phone applications free

The world's second largest online shop for mobile phone applications is out to change the economics of the booming industry by making the popular mini-programs available for free.

Google trumpets Dart release as first stable version

(—Google on Tuesday released its first stable version of Dart SDK. Dart is a programming language for Web applications that Google thinks will offer an improved, easy to learn, high performance environment for ...

Review: New Apple TV has promise, but doesn't reach it yet

When Apple unveiled its new digital set-top box in June, I wrote that Apple TV had the potential to revolutionize the way we use our televisions, transforming the simple boob tube into a computing device through which we ...

Pocket diagnosis

A new app which turns any smartphone into a portable medical diagnostic device could help in the fight against diseases including HIV, tuberculosis and malaria in the developing world.

In the kitchen, there's an app for that! But do you care?

A few years ago, former video game executive Kevin Yu was cooking for a girlfriend on Valentine's Day when he discovered he'd forgotten the mushrooms for the mushroom soup. But that was just the start. He'd also lost track ...

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