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Smell is the crucial sense that holds ant society together

Ants can be found in nearly every location on Earth, with rough estimates suggesting there are over 10 quadrillion individuals—that is a 1 followed by 16 zeroes, or about 1 million ants per person. Ants are among the most ...

Illuminating the evolution of social parasite ants

Ants are known as hard workers, tirelessly attending to their assigned tasks—foraging for food, nurturing larvae, digging tunnels, tidying the nest. But in truth, some are total layabouts. Called workerless social parasites, ...

The ants go marching … methodically

When strolling through an unfamiliar grocery store, you may find yourself methodically walking down each aisle to ensure you find everything you need without crossing the same path twice. At times, you'll stray from this ...

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