Scientists identify mechanism crucial for COVID-19 virus replication

A team led by UT Southwestern researchers has identified how SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, builds a structure called the RNA cap that's critical for successful viral replication. The finding, published in Nature, ...

Thwarting cellular enzyme can fight viral infections

FMI researchers have identified a synthetic protein that dampens the activity of a cellular pathway involved in viral infection. The findings could help to develop drugs that combat viruses such as influenza A and Zika.

KIMS develops a functional antibacterial/antiviral additive

A research team led by Dr. Chang Su Kim at the Department of Nano-Bio Convergence of the Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) developed a material that gives antibacterial/antiviral properties without changing the ...

Chimeric viruses unearth hidden gems in dengue virus structure

In a recent study, Australian scientists used an original approach to resolve the 3D structure of flaviviruses with an unprecedented level of detail, identifying small molecules known as 'pocket factors' as new therapeutic ...

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