Related topics: heart disease

Image: Smart particles

Down to the microscopic level, nanoparticles show promising properties. A team of experts in Italy has spent years tailoring tiny inorganic materials and analysing their behaviour. Some have magnetic properties, others are ...

Electron accelerators reveal the radical secrets of antioxidants

In a groundbreaking series of experiments, an Osaka University researcher has demonstrated an exciting new method for understanding the power of antioxidants to protect us from harmful free radicals. Professor Kazuo Kobayashi ...

Comparing antioxidants levels in tomatoes of different color

Naturally occurring antioxidants have been of great interest in recent years due to their recognizable health benefits. A study out of Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexico has clarified differing antioxidant levels ...

Microalgae as natural detector of environmental safety

An international group of toxicologists, including experts from the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), report that unicellular microalgae, the most common microorganisms on Earth and an important part of the food chain ...

A novel way to synthesize antioxidant substances

Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University together with their colleagues from USA and Japan have proposed a novel way to address the most important and fundamental challenge of organic chemistry, i.e. breaking a bond between ...

Biologists taught infusoria to fight poisons

A team of scientists from Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Russian Academy of Sciences has found a new substance with antioxidant properties able to protect living organisms from toxic compounds. The results of the ...

Sulfur respiration in mammals

A common sulfur metabolite having antioxidant activity appears to be formed with the help of an enzyme found in mitochondria, highlighting a potential area of research for future treatments of various diseases.

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