Bio researchers receive patent to fight superbugs

Superbugs, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, have been on the rise since antibiotics were first introduced 80 years ago. That's because these germ-fighting agents have lost their punch from being overprescribed and misused, ...

New method paves the way for new antibiotics

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) researchers have developed a promising antibiotic candidate against MRSA. Behind the discovery lies a methodology that may be important in the fight against antimicrobial ...

New transporter for recycling of bacterial cell wall found

A transporter which some bacteria use to recycle fragments of their cell wall has been discovered by researchers at Umeå university, Sweden. They found that the transporter controls resistance to certain kinds of cell-wall ...

Biomimetic hydrogel with photodynamic antimicrobial effect

Infections are a dreaded threat that can have fatal consequences after an operation, in the treatment of wounds, and during tissue engineering. Biomimetic hydrogels with "built-in" antimicrobial properties can significantly ...

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