Sewage reveals levels of antimicrobial resistance worldwide

A comprehensive analysis of sewage collected in 74 cities in 60 countries has yielded the first comparable global data showing the levels and types of antimicrobial resistant bacteria present in healthy people. The National ...

Monitoring antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a complex problem in animal husbandry. Antibiotics are essential for both veterinary and human healthcare, but their usage can lead to antimicrobial resistance. Dik Mevius, an expert in the use of ...

Bacterial 'gene swapping' sparks disease outbreaks

A new study by scientists at the University of Liverpool documents, for the first time, how the ability of bacteria to swap genetic material with each other can directly affect the emergence and spread of globally important ...

Study shines light on how to build better bacteriophage therapies

Researchers have discovered that a subset of bacteriophages, dubbed "superspreaders," potentially play a major role in transmitting antimicrobial resistance. The research, described in a study published this week in the journal ...

Antimicrobial resistance gene found in marine pathogen

A team of Chinese investigators has discovered a gene for resistance to β-lactamase antibiotics, in the pathogenic marine bacterium, Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The β-lactamase gene, blaVEB-2, has never before been found in ...

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