Toadlet peptide transforms into a deadly weapon against bacteria

Researchers at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and EMBL Hamburg have discovered remarkable molecular properties of an antimicrobial peptide from the skin of the Australian toadlet. The discovery could inspire ...

Scientists engineer bacteria-killing molecules from wasp venom

A team led by scientists in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania has engineered powerful new antimicrobial molecules from toxic proteins found in wasp venom. The team hopes to develop the molecules ...

New therapy could combat persistent joint infections in horses

A new therapy could combat persistent joint infections in horses, potentially saving them from years of pain. Morris Animal Foundation-funded researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a platelet-rich plasma ...

Gut feeling: A network approach towards understanding IBD

Diseases of the gut are often notoriously difficult to diagnose, nevermind understand, which is where a network-based approach comes in. Rather than trying to understand individual symptoms, or the role of individual genes, ...

A novel peptide to rapidly kill multidrug-resistant bacteria

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have designed an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) that can effectively and quickly kill a notorious multidrug-resistant bacterium called Acinetobacter baumannii.

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