Engineers repurpose wasp venom as an antibiotic drug

The venom of insects such as wasps and bees is full of compounds that can kill bacteria. Unfortunately, many of these compounds are also toxic for humans, making it impossible to use them as antibiotic drugs.

Encoding smart antibiotics

A method for designing antibiotics based on random binary encoding, developed by a team led by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), could open up new opportunities in drug discovery.

The color of blood: Pigment helps stage symbiosis in squid

The small but charismatic Hawaiian bobtail squid is known for its predator-fooling light organ. To survive, the nocturnal cephalopod depends on a symbiotic association with a luminescent bacterium that gives it the ability ...

Antimicrobial edible films inhibit pathogens in meat

Antimicrobial agents incorporated into edible films applied to foods to seal in flavor, freshness and color can improve the microbiological safety of meats, according to researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural ...

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