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The making of Antarctica's hidden fjords

Antarctica's topography began changing from flat to fjord-filled starting about 34 million years ago, according to a new report from a University of Arizona-led team of geoscientists.

UK, US launch biggest-ever study of Antarctic glacier

Britain and the United States on Monday launched a research programme billed "the most detailed and extensive examinations of a massive Antarctic glacier ever undertaken" to gauge how quickly it could collapse.

Seeing Antarctica's future more clearly

Do you love to lose yourself in little things? To read every footnote of a book, watch ants in a patch of grass, memorise every mole on a lover's skin?

Debut of the global mix-master

Trekking across the high Canadian Arctic almost 20 years ago, Howie Scher had an unexpected encounter that helped fix the course of his career.

Southern hemisphere to glimpse year's last solar eclipse

The tip of South Africa, Tasmania and most of New Zealand will -- weather permitting -- enjoy a partial eclipse of the Sun on Friday although the handful of hardy scientists in Antarctica will get the best view, according ...

Studying meteorites may reveal Mars' secrets of life

In an effort to determine if conditions were ever right on Mars to sustain life, a team of scientists, including a Michigan State University professor, has examined a meteorite that formed on the red planet more than a billion ...

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