Related topics: ocean · nasa · ice

How ice sheets collapse—a lesson from the past

Antarctica and Greenland may be two of the most remote places on Earth but what happens in both these vast landscapes can significantly impact on human activity further afield.

UQ researcher's icy dinosaur hunt

A University of Queensland scientist will brave ice, snow and five weeks sharing a two-man tent in an effort to learn more about dinosaurs during an expedition to Antarctica.

East Antarctic Ice Sheet has stayed frozen for 14 million years

Antarctica was once a balmier place, lush with plants and lakes. Figuring out just how long the continent has been a barren, cold desert of ice can give clues as to how Antarctica responded to the effects of past climates ...

Field tested: NERC PhDs explain their work

An article about the challenges of undertaking geology in Greece and a photograph of a snow-covered hut from the NERC iSTAR programme in Antarctica are this year's winners of NERC's short article writing and student photography ...

The geography of Antarctica's underside

Planetary scientists would be thrilled if they could peel the Earth like an orange and look at what lies beneath the thin crust. We live on the planet's cold surface, but the Earth is a solid body and the surface is continually ...

Adelie penguin numbers may expand as glaciers retreat

Shrinking glaciers could lead to increasing numbers of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) in East Antarctica, according to research published in the open access journal, BMC Evolutionary Biology.

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