Study of penguin colonies at Antarctic island shows decline

Results from a 21-year study into the breeding success of gentoo penguins at a well-known tourist site in Antarctica, reveal a 25 percent reduction in breeding pairs and a decrease of between 54-60 percent in chick numbers. ...

Antarctica tourism regulation urgent for environment: summit

Tourism regulation in Antarctica has become an urgent matter due to environmental threats, officials from the 53 member countries of the Antarctic Treaty warned at their annual meeting, held this week in Buenos Aires.

China urges balance on environment, economy in Antarctica

A Chinese leader on Tuesday urged international representatives to strike a "proper balance" between environmental and economic interests in Antarctica, as the frozen continent's vulnerability to climate change raises worries ...

Antarctic wildlife at risk from human derived E. coli

Human sewage disposal in Antarctica presents a risk of introducing non-native bacterial species, specifically E. coli, into endemic Antarctic wildlife, potentially affecting its diversity and evolution, a new research project ...

Antarctica may hold the key to regulating mining in space

Our current era may go down in history as the century of space exploration and off-Earth resource exploitation. But there are still considerable policy hurdles to overcome in terms of how we regulate such activities.

Japan considering new base on Antarctica

Japan is looking at building a new base on Antarctica so scientists can study air trapped in ice a million years ago, in a bid to better understand climate change, an official said Monday.

Australia to purchase powerful Antarctic icebreaker

Australia said Monday it will spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a new icebreaker ship to bolster its claim over large areas of Antarctica and replace an ageing vessel.

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