Study finds unprecedented Arctic ozone loss

( -- A NASA-led study has documented an unprecedented depletion of Earth's protective ozone layer above the Arctic last winter and spring caused by an unusually prolonged period of extremely low temperatures in ...

NASA data aids ozone hole's journey to recovery

On Sept. 16, 1987, policymakers and scientists from around the world gathered at the International Civil Aviation Organization's headquarters in Montreal, preparing to take action on the day's most urgent topic: Depletion ...

Explaining Antarctic ozone hole anomalies

The strongly reduced Antarctic stratospheric ozone hole destruction in 2010 and several other recent years results from the occurrence of dramatic meteorological events in the polar winter, known as sudden stratospheric warmings ...

Experts: Global warming means more Antarctic ice

The ice goes on seemingly forever in a white pancake-flat landscape, stretching farther than ever before. And yet in this confounding region of the world, that spreading ice may be a cockeyed signal of man-made climate change, ...

Ozone thinning has changed ocean circulation, scientists report

According to a Johns Hopkins earth scientist, the hole in the Antarctic ozone layer has caused changes in the way that waters in those southern oceans mix – a situation that has the potential to alter the amount of CO2 ...

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