It's semantic -- easier solution to annotate and search images

( -- Innovative software developed in Europe that makes it easier to organise, search and navigate collections of digital images will soon be available to media agencies, photographers and, potentially, anyone ...

Build your online networks using social annotations

Researchers at Toshiba are working on a way of finding clusters of like-minded bloggers and others online using "social annotations". Social annotations are the tags and keywords, the comments and feedback that users, both ...

New version of Chinese tree shrew genome annotation released

A research team led by Prof. Yao Yonggang from Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has reported a new version of Chinese tree shrew genome annotation, and studied multiple genomic and transcriptomic ...

Scientists expand entomological research using genome editing

Genome sequencing, where scientists use laboratory methods to determine a specific organism's genetic makeup, is becoming a common practice in insect research. A greater understanding of insect biology helps scientists better ...

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