What happens to pets after a natural disaster?

After a natural disaster, images of destruction cover our newsfeeds. Most of these focus on the destruction of the landscape, or on the resulting human suffering. In any disaster where people suffer and die, pets and livestock ...

Massive carbon credit sale announced in Madagascar

The Government of Madagascar and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today that 705,588 carbon credits are certified for sale from the Makira Forest REDD+ Project. WCS estimates that it will prevent the release ...

Climate proof sea defences with a green twist

Sturdier protection is vital to defend coastal areas from the expected sea level rise associated with global warming. But nature's protection also needs to be part of the equation.

Better planning required if EU is to meet energy targets

An important prerequisite for the European targets to be met is a significant increase in the use of biomass for energy. However, competition for biomass is expected to grow in the future, because biomass is used in the manufacture ...

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