Exploring arcobacter risk to the food industry and human health

The MikroIker team of the UPV/EHU's Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Parasitology has conducted a study into the prevalence and characterization of bacteria of the Arcobacter genus using a large number of samples ...

How to slow the spread of deadly 'superbugs'

Harnessing new advances in genomic surveillance technology could help detect the rise of deadly "superbugs" and slow their evolution and spread, improving global health outcomes, a new Australian study suggests.

Popular male dolphins produce more offspring

The reproductive success of male dolphins is not determined by strength or age, but via social bonds with other males. The better integrated males are in their social network, the more offspring they produce, a new study ...

A selfish gene makes mice into migrants

House mice carrying a specific selfish supergene move from one population to another much more frequently than their peers. This finding from a University of Zurich study shows for the first time that a gene of this type ...

Study finds indications for recovery after ecosystem pollution

Environmental damage caused by human activity can reduce the number of plant and animal species dramatically. At the same time, very little is known about how biodiversity recovers after ecosystem pollution is curtailed and ...

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