Four ways to reduce the carbon in your food basket

How does your food shop affect the planet? Well, think of it like this—consuming just one egg emits between 260 and 330g of CO₂ to the atmosphere. That's because before that egg can reach your plate, animal feed has to ...

Studying animal cognition in the wild

Different types of cognitive abilities can lead to a variety of knowledge that can help an animal to find, access, and guard food and mates. One approach to gain insight into the evolution of such cognitive abilities is by ...

Dry feed for superfood producers

Given that they generate hardly any greenhouse gases, are undemanding, nutritious and fast growing, insects have generated a lot of hype in recent years. They are touted as the superfood of the future—cheap suppliers of ...

Humanity's next test: feed 10 billion without ruining Earth

Experts Friday began negotiating the most comprehensive scientific assessment ever of the role the land we live off plays in climate change, expected to highlight the stark choices humanity faces to feed 10 billion people ...

Building better life support systems for future space travel

Astronauts on future long-duration spaceflight missions to the Moon and Mars could rely on microalgae to supply essentials including food, water and oxygen. A new investigation aboard the International Space Station tests ...

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