The Karoo Basin and the end Permian mass extinction

Earth's biosphere witnessed its greatest ecological catastrophe in the latest Permian, dated to about 251.9 million years ago. The current model for biodiversity collapse states that both marine and terrestrial animals were ...

Godwits are flexible... when they get the chance

Black-tailed godwits are able to cope with unpredictable weather. This was revealed by a thorough analysis of the extraordinary spring of 2013 by ecologist Nathan Senner of the University of Groningen and an international ...

Polar climate change may lead to ecological change

( -- Ice and frozen ground at the North and South Poles are affected by climate change induced warming, but the consequences of thawing at each pole differ due to the geography and geology, according to a Penn ...

Supplemental feeding for endangered avian species

New research from conservationists at the University of Kent has revealed that supplemental feeding can help the recovery of endangered avian populations despite exacerbating the effects of infectious disease.

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