Sustaining young forest communities

The recent Southern Research Station (SRS) publication Sustaining Young Forest Communities: Ecology and Management of Early Successional Habitats in the Central Hardwood Region, USA, addresses a variety of concerns raised ...

Rats control appetite for poison

( -- Life is tough for woodrats in deserts of the U.S. Southwest. There are few plants for food, and those plants produce poison to deter rodents, insects and other animals. A new University of Utah study shows ...

Size matters—the more DNA the better

A new study from researchers at Uppsala University shows that variation in genome size may be much more important than previously believed. It is clear that, at least sometimes, a large genome is a good genome.

Butterflies switch lifestyles using hormones

Many habitats on Earth change dramatically with the seasons, profoundly affecting food availability, predation pressure and reproductive opportunities for animals living in these seasonal habitats. To survive and reproduce ...

Optimally promoting biodiversity in agricultural landscapes

Due to modern agriculture, biodiversity across many species groups is in decline. Over the last three decades, attempts have been made to counteract this with agri-environmental schemes at various levels—from the national ...

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