New method for detecting nanoplastics in the human body

How do you count the nanoplastics in your body? Leiden researchers published a method in Nature Protocols today that should make this easier, and important development for both environmental and medicine research.

The evolution of evolutionary developmental biology

Studying evolution by focusing solely on fossils would leave many questions unanswered, but evolutionary developmental biology (otherwise known as "evo-devo") helps fill in the gaps.

The social transmission of stress in animal collectives

Stress is a widespread phenomenon that occurs when, for example, humans feel threatened or overwhelmed, have too much work or are in imminent danger. We communicate to others that we are stressed through our behavior and ...

Plants: RNA notes to self

How does a developing plant shoot know how, where, and when to grow? Dividing cells need to pass messages from one another to coordinate growth. In plants, important messages are packaged into RNA, which are sent from cell ...

Building a human body through gastrulation

A collaboration of researchers from Japan, Spain and the U.S. offers a phylogenetic and ontogenetic overview of the primitive streak and its role in mediating amniote (vertebrate animals that develop on land) gastrulation, ...

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