Ecological change in the abyss -- the Amperima event

Even in the dark abyss of the deep ocean animal communities can undergo rapid, widespread and radical changes. Scientists at the National Oceanography Centre are at the forefront of monitoring these changes and understanding ...

Addressing the ocean deoxygenation crisis

While landlubbing house hunters sure don't have it easy these days, there's another community—one that dwarfs the human population in size—that is also suffering the woes of shrinking real estate: animals that live in ...

Extreme winters impact fish negatively

Ecologists from Umeå University and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim have studied fish communities and fish habitat and reviewed the importance of winter conditions for fish in streams and ...

In search of the big questions: Conserving the European Alps

In Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", the world had to wait ten million years to learn the question to the ultimate answer.  This might be justifiable for a question of such staggering importance but it would ...

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