Fowl language: AI is learning to analyze chicken communications

Have you ever wondered what chickens are talking about? Chickens are quite the communicators—their clucks, squawks and purrs are not just random sounds but a complex language system. These sounds are their way of interacting ...

Teamwork is not always the best way of working, shows new study

Throughout the 21st century, teamwork has come to define the modern work environment. Driven by advances in communication technology, working collaboratively is, as management experts will tell you, how you harness the "collective ...

New studies bolster theory coronavirus emerged from the wild

Two new studies provide more evidence that the coronavirus pandemic originated in a Wuhan, China market where live animals were sold—further bolstering the theory that the virus emerged in the wild rather than escaping ...

Space-age domes offer a window on ocean acidification

( —A row of space-age domes off the Washington coast may provide a peek at the future. Not the future of space travel, but of climate change and the effects of increasingly acidic oceans.

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