Scientists create vaccine against heroin high

Researchers at The Scripps Research Institute have developed a highly successful vaccine against a heroin high and have proven its therapeutic potential in animal models.

A woman's best friend – dogs and domestic violence

A new book, Companion Animals and Domestic Violence: Rescuing You, Rescuing Me, explores the role that dogs and other companion animals play in women's recovery from abuse, and the impacts on the animals themselves.

Could technology help reduce pretrial incarceration?

Right now, thousands of people across the U.S. are in prison awaiting trial for a misdemeanor charge. A growing body of research indicates that if someone had sent each of them a text message at just the right time, with ...

Rescued tigers get Spanish safe haven

Five of nine tigers that narrowly survived a gruelling journey across Europe will be moved to a new home at an animal refuge in Spain after spending weeks recovering at zoos in Poland.

Painstaking veterinary forensics to combat animal abuse

Many people have seen dramatizations of forensics on shows likes Bones and CSI. Forensics is the application of scientific principles and methods to criminal investigations at crimes scenes and in labs.

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