Boy toddlers need extra help dealing with negative emotions

The way you react to your two-year-old's temper tantrums or clinginess may lead to anxiety, withdrawal and behavior problems down the road, and the effect is more pronounced if the child is a boy who often displays such negative ...

Anger motivates people to vote, study shows

Though pundits and candidates suggest there is too much anger in politics, the emotion does have a potential benefit—it significantly motivates citizens to vote, according to a University of Michigan study.

Developing tools to combat 'fake news'

With news coverage being a constant cycle and information being amplified across social media channels, it can be difficult to discern between sound news and 'fake news.' As a result people's trust in scientific information ...

The blame game in work-family conflict

When the demands of work and family conflict, is the job blamed, is the family role blamed or is blame placed on both? And what are the consequences?

Defuse anger in the workplace with humor, expert says

Whether it is pressing deadlines, overwork, or employees feeling they are not being supported, anger in a work environment can be unavoidable. Over time, the anger and frustration can compound, causing anger to spread through ...

Wis. paper faces backlash for outing Web critic

(AP) -- Getting named the local paper's Person of the Year was supposed to be an honor for small-town politician Dean Zuleger. But the award only enraged many townspeople.

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