African-Americans less likely to get Airbnb room: study

People with African-American sounding names are discriminated against when trying to get a room on Airbnb, a Harvard study says, suggesting many who use the website fail to share its vision of a "trusted community."

ProPublica wins Pulitzer with digital-only series

ProPublica, a non-profit news startup, scooped up a Pulitzer Prize on Monday, its second in two years and the first ever for a series of stories that were not also published in print.

Space shuttle's final trip is an all-night affair (Update)

(AP)—In thousands of Earth orbits, the space shuttle Endeavour traveled 123 million miles (198 million kilometers). But the last few miles (kilometers) of its final journey are proving hard to get through.

Epic journey through Los Angeles set for space shuttle tank

ET is coming home. ET-94, a massive external fuel tank built for the space shuttle program but never used in flight, will finally take an epic journey—not in space, but through the Panama Canal and eventually along the ...

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