Sea anemones study reveals insights into predator-prey dynamics

A new study reveals crucial insights into animal defense mechanisms and tradeoffs. The surprising discovery of a native anemone population lacking the Nv1 neurotoxin led to an investigation into its impact on defending against ...

How jellyfish regenerate functional tentacles in days

At about the size of a pinkie nail, the jellyfish species Cladonema can regenerate an amputated tentacle in two to three days—but how? Regenerating functional tissue across species, including salamanders and insects, relies ...

Study reveals how corals control their algae population

A new study, published by KAUST researchers in Nature Communications, shows that corals, jellyfish, and other symbiotic cnidarians control their symbiotic algae by limiting the amount of nitrogen available for proliferation.

Biologists take deep dive into the evolution of clownfish

Clownfish, renowned for their vibrant colors and unusual symbiotic relationship with sea anemones, have long captivated the imagination of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. They also serve as a promising model organism ...

Scientists show how some of Earth's earliest animals evolved

Lacking bones, brains, and even a complete gut, the body plans of simple animals like sea anemones appear to have little in common with humans and their vertebrate kin. Nevertheless, new research from Investigator Matt Gibson, ...

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