New study probes the ancient past of a body plan code

Researchers from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research have opened a window on another piece of evolutionary biology. They have found that Hox genes, which are key regulators of the way the bodies of bilaterally symmetrical ...

Which came first the head or the brain?

( —A fundamental question in the evolution of animal body plans, is where did the head come from? In animals with a clear axis of right-left symmetry, the bilaterians, the head is where the brain is, at the anterior ...

In bubble-rafting snails, the eggs came first

( -- It's "Waterworld" snail style: Ocean-dwelling snails that spend most of their lives floating upside down, attached to rafts of mucus bubbles.

Sea anemones study reveals insights into predator-prey dynamics

A new study reveals crucial insights into animal defense mechanisms and tradeoffs. The surprising discovery of a native anemone population lacking the Nv1 neurotoxin led to an investigation into its impact on defending against ...

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