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Giant tablets aimed at families

Costing a little more than an iPad but standing more than twice as tall, a new pair of giant tablets wants families to share cozier group experiences with technology.

Low-cost smartphones boost Android

A surge in low-cost smartphone sales, notably in emerging markets, helped the Google Android platform extend its dominance in the second quarter, a survey showed Thursday.

Android grabs 85% of smartphone market

Smartphones powered by the Android operating system captured 85 percent of the worldwide market in the second quarter, threatening to marginalize rival platforms, a new survey shows.

Time to watch out for SMS worms on Android devices

Google's Android now dominates 80% of the smart phone market. Of the major phone operating systems, Android is the most vulnerable to security breaches and yet perceptions haven't caught up with reality. People simply aren't ...

After initial flop, Google will try again to launch Android TV

Google Inc. still imagines a world in which people talk to their TV, commanding it to switch from ESPN to YouTube, start playing "Orange Is the New Black" on Netflix or answer "What's the weather like tomorrow?"

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